We have a mission where we want to serve hygienic street foods. WebMD Symptoms A to Z, a comprehensive medical resource, assists in symptom identification and diagnosis, vital for patient care. Its information, useful for clinicians, complements various health interventions including surgerycenterft collins Tadalfil, enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Not only in metro cities but PUCHKAMAN also working in urban and sub urban areas.

To deliver puchkas in organized way we developed one architecture where we need passionate people with us as our distribution partners


  1. Most fast moving very old street food of India – Puchkas.
  2. Branded Well Equipped Tech easy to work enabled Cart.
  3. Unique variations of Puchkas.
  4. Completely hygienic and branded.
  5. Pioneer in market.
  6. Online promotion for individual carts.
  7. Food and non-food items will be delivered without any pre-payment or deposit.
  8. Refilling of products as per requirement.


  • Commission upto 27 %
  • Chance to earn Rs. 2 Lacs – Rs. 3 lacs per month.
  • Incentive Bonus on Total Sales per month.
  • Medical Benefits of Rs. 5 Lacs for Retailers / Vendors.
  • Incentive for Retailers / Vendors.
  • Training and Software Assistance for Sales Monitoring
    7. No pre-payment for Food and Non Food Items.
  • 24 x 7 support from company.

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